Evie 11th December 2021

From Shirley Morse: I was very fortunate to have Ben as a son-in-law. We had the same sense of humour and could be as rude to each other as we liked knowing that neither would take offence. On several occasions he would drive me into Plymouth or Liskeard for a hospital or dental appointment and the journey was always littered with stories about his escapades as a youngster. He seemed to have had a very full and adventurous time growing up and was very knowledgeable about local history and folk lore. For several years before I moved from Harrowbarrow House he would bring his daughters and their friends and set up camp in a field, erecting a large tent for the youngsters and a small tent for himself. A fire-pit was dug, wood was gathered and, as evening progressed and the wood on the fire blazed away, sticks were used to hold marshmallows over the flames and from the house I could see them sitting around the fire silhouetted by its glow. It was a lovely sight and I knew that memories were being made. So, thank you, Ben.